Project performance video

Movie Class6

TECO Offshore Wind Farm Onshore Substation EPC Project - Changfang & Xidao Offshore Wind Farm

The scope of TECO's EPC project includes design, procurement and construction. The cumulative performance is about 2GW of project construction, with holding 35%  the onshore substation market share, TECO is ranking first in Taiwan.


TECO – Substation EPC Project

Since 2015, TECO has tapped into green energy and won the offshore wind farm onshore substation EPC projects for three consecutive years, hitting a total energy yield of around 2 GW and has been ranked number one with 35% of the market share. Based on our successful EPC project experience, we have optimized our design and reduced installation costs to enhance our manufacturing clients’ competitiveness. We’ve also expanded our cooperation to offshore substations.

TECO Energy Storage System Service

The TECO Group has achieved 100 MW energy storage over the past two years, and our orders have reached more than 2 billion NTD. In the future, we will actively participate in the bids for Taipower energy storage projects and energy storage projects for corporations. In response to the green energy and energy storage goals of the Taiwanese government, the TECO Group would mainly focus on the Taipower Energy Storage Project and provide ancillary services for the market before 2025. From 2026 to 2035, the target markets are the phase Phase III energy storage market of offshore wind farms and the Southeast Asian market.We hope to gain a foothold in the domestic and global energy storage market.


電夠用嗎? 限電"黑燈"時代來臨 台電十年狂投五千億 換設備.強化電網韌性 發電機組陸續除役 民意反彈.缺乏人才 儲能廠面臨三大挑戰|李文儀主持|【台灣新思路 完整版】20240513|三立iNEWS